1. CLI

LazyKit provides a powerful CLI program that allows you to add utility methods to your project like a pro. This guide will walk you through the initial setup, installation, and teardown commands for effectively managing utility methods.

1. Introduction

One of the simplest ways to add utility methods to your project is by copying the code and pasting it directly into your files. However, this approach can become cumbersome and inefficient over time. The LazyKit CLI program streamlines this process, allowing you to add utility methods to your project in a more efficient and organized manner.

2. Initial Setup

To get started with the LazyKit CLI, you need to initialize your project with the following command:

npx @jrtilak/lazykit@latest init

Note: Ensure that your project contains a package.json file for the initialization to work correctly.

1. Questions During Initialization

You will be asked the following questions during the initialization process:

  • Language: Choose between TypeScript or JavaScript.
  • Separate: true or false. If true, the configuration will be stored in a separate file called lazykit.config.json; otherwise, it will be included in package.json under lazykit.
  • Path to store helper functions: Indicate the directory where you want to save the utility functions from root of the project, e.g., ./src/helpers.
  • Path to store React hooks: Indicate the directory where you want to keep your React hooks from root of the project, e.g., ./src/hooks.
  • Filename convention for helper functions: Choose between camelCase or kebab-case for naming utility function files.
  • Filename convention for React hooks: Choose between camelCase or kebab-case for naming React hook files.

2. Flags

You can also pass flags to the init command to skip the interactive questions. Here are the available flags:

  • --yes or -y: Initialize the project with default options.
  • --force or -f: Initialize the project even if it is already initialized.

3. Teardown

If you need to remove the LazyKit configuration from your project, you can use the teardown command:

npx @jrtilak/lazykit@latest teardown

This command will delete the configuration file from your project, cleaning up any LazyKit settings.

4. Installation

To install specific utility methods into your project, use the following command:

npx @jrtilak/lazykit@latest add <method-name>

Replace <method-name> with the name of the utility method you wish to add. This command will seamlessly integrate the chosen utility method into your project.


npx @jrtilak/lazykit@latest add method1 method2 method3